Food from the Heart is one of the most established food charities in Singapore. The Community Shop @ Lengkok Bahru is a mini-mart for From The Heart’s beneficiaries and operates on a shop-for-free concept.
They host food drives from time to time.
You can contribute to the food drive by ordering food donations online and sending them to the location on the days of their food drive. Deliveries to the Shop can also be made between shop opening hours of 9.30am – 12.30pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays except for Public Holidays. You can also make a cash donation online to help them fill their shelves.

The Community Shop is one of Food from the Heart’s milestone initiatives towards giving better by returning the dignity of choice to the needy; at the Shop, they are able to choose food items that they require instead of receiving standard food packages. This mental aspect helps to close the increasing gap in Singapore’s standards of living; the experience of shopping allows them to see the range of products available at the Shop, compare them, and choose what they want to bring home.
The Shop gives the beneficiaries a reason to get out of their homes to have more interaction with others, creating opportunities for the community to look out for one another. Its food drop, which allows donors to drop off food donations, at the Shop further keeps the kampung spirit alive within the neighbourhood.
The Community Shop concept also results in less food waste as the beneficiaries are likely to finish all the items they chose themselves.