Singaporean content creator Luke Chan, widely known as Lukeychan, has ventured into the food and beverage industry with the opening of his first eatery, Pasta Papa. Known for his comedic skits and relationship videos that have garnered over 173,000 followers on TikTok, the 27-year-old partnered with Jayden Loh, the owner of DLLM Lok Lok, to launch the 60-seater restaurant at Bukit Merah Sports Lifestyle Centre. The idea for Pasta Papa came during a casual gym session between the duo, who have been workout partners for years. Their humorous dynamic even inspired the restaurant’s name, which reflects their camaraderie and shared vision.
While their gym roots might suggest a health-conscious concept, the partners decided on Italian cuisine for its broader appeal. Loh explained that low-carb eateries felt too niche and wanted to leverage Chan’s wide audience by offering more marketable dishes like pasta. For Chan, opening Pasta Papa was an opportunity to combine his passion for serving people and his long-standing love for pasta while proving himself in the competitive F&B industry. Despite some online negativity, he remains undeterred, focusing on the positive reception from his followers, many of whom make up the restaurant’s growing customer base.
Pasta Papa offers a unique DIY pasta experience, where customers can don chef’s whites and prepare their own meals with guided instructions for S$39.90. This interactive feature, which includes animated tutorials inspired by the Cooking Mama game, has proven especially popular with couples and families. For those who prefer not to cook, the restaurant’s regular menu offers classic pasta dishes like Carbonara, Bolognese, and Seafood Aglio Olio, alongside options like Truffle Risotto and Crab Meat Risotto. With Chan managing the front of house and Loh leading the kitchen, Pasta Papa combines creativity, passion, and a touch of humor to create a dining experience that resonates with a wide audience.