Dear Reader,

Thank you for exploring GNP! In 2024, GreatNewPlaces.com celebrates 14 years in Singapore and has firmly established itself as the leading authority on new places in town. With a captive audience of brand conscious opinion leaders who are cash rich and time poor, GreatNewPlaces.com is a powerful and effective channel for engaging Singapore trend-setters and tastemakers; serving as a critical guide for what’s hip, new and trendy on the scene.

GreatNewPlaces.com celebrates the fast-paced metropolis city we live in and our cultural acceptance for change. A the leading platform for trend-spotting and for everyone to keep their finger on the pulse of Singapore’s ever-changing cityscape. If it’s just opened, it’s cool and in vogue, we want to be the first to feature it, as we expand our hub and cover all things that innovate, excite and that are new on the scene.

Singapore is a truly vibrant city: always on the move and in a constant and valuable process of change. We channel our daily discoveries to a very targeted and premium local audience. With over 4,000 daily unique visitors and a captive member base of 75,000 comprising local socialites, expats and Singapore’s business elite; these influential opinion formers possess considerable spending power, and are always on the hunt for the hottest new tables in town and the newest haunts to throw open their doors.

It’s all about being the first to know and setting the trend!

Please enjoy your discoveries with us,

Founder – Robbie Hoyes-Cock