Following its successful debut at Jewel Changi Airport, Bingz has launched its fifth branch at AMK Hub. Founded in Beijing in 2014 by two former programmers, the brand quickly gained fame for its crispy burgers, selling over 200,000 in just 100 days. The unexpected transition of IT professionals to the food industry drew widespread attention and positioned Bingz as a standout success in the restaurant world.
Bingz’s commitment to crafting customer-focused products with meticulous attention to detail has cemented its reputation as a pioneer of the Internet Plus concept. With over 140 outlets in Beijing and rapid expansion across other Chinese cities, the brand has sold more than 80 million crispy burgers in eight years, making it one of China’s most promising contenders for international growth.
As a global quick-service provider, Bingz (西少爷) delivers delicious and convenient Chinese cuisine designed to delight customers around the world. Its continued expansion highlights its mission to share innovative and satisfying flavours with a broader audience.